bluebio.gif?v=2 bluestar.gif?v=2 dox.gif mwehehe.gif spinstar.gif dogy.gif where.gif biohazard.gif power.gif divider blackchain.gif mimitchi.gif divider jewel.gif
moon phase

theres a gallery now!

added updates to main page
buttons will be moved somewhere else

started working on the site again ;^)
slightly changed home page layout
+a few tweaks to main page

welcome12.gif spiky.png spiky2.png cloud.png moon.gif goldstar.gif arcaninefire.gif howl.gif saturn.gif spin.gif spinnyspin.gif divider red.gif divider red.gif terra.gif lovedogs.gif verti.gif blackhole.gif white stars.gif yelstar.gif solarsys.gif signgb.gif planets.gif sparkly.gif sparkly.gif mew.gif worldheart.gif angelpup.gif flowers.png monpd.png Button

Add my button :^)

You may call me Nihil, Vendetta or XVN.
This site is still under construction, please do visit us in the near future, who knows when new updates will roll out ;^)
I simply treat this tiny virtual corner of the internet as a means to express myself and my interests.
These grounds have no purpose of looking "aesthetically pleasing" to outsiders but, if for you, that was achieved, it's surely a bonus

that evening i dreamt i listened to one side of a conversation i should not have heard
"you missed it. it was beautiful. all the lights went out at once. when they came back on everything
was gone. then you showed up. i was hoping you would. thank you for being here. you are the only
one. we are the one. everything. and nothing. i love you."

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